Julvelin® Dosage

Julvelin® combines Berberine (Berberis aquifolium olium) 200mg, Gymnema sylvestre 100mg, Pyconogenol 100mg,  Alpha Lopoic Acid 100mg.  to help in the management of blood glucose levels and promote normal glucose processing.

No warnings are currently listed for Julvelin® due to the botanical botanical nature of the prinicipal ingredients used in the formulation.

Julvelin® Safety Information

Important Safety Information


For most patients, the recommended dose is 3 to 4 capsules per day depending on the recommendation of your Physician.

The maximum recommended dosing frequency is four capsules per day.


Julvelin® Safety Information

Important Safety Information


Hypersensitivity to active components. shouldn't be taken if you are pregnant, nursing .

Side Effects:
It is advisable to use caution when taking Julvelin® along with other pharmaceutical medication (oral hypoglycemics or insulin) for diabetes. The combination of Julvelin® and these medications can lower blood-sugar levels to potentially risky levels. If you are already taking diabetes medication, it is extremely important to work with a physician before supplementing with Julvelin® because the physician needs to closely monitor blood-sugar levels. In many instances, your doctor will need to lower the dosage of the pharmaceutical medication you are on.

No other side effects occurred